Abstrac- Coraline- Book

 Name: Silvia Romina Macías Arauz

Docent: Carlos Luis García Párraga, Belén Castro

Year: 2021/2022

Subject: English 

Topic: Corilne



Coraline Jones: the protagonist of the story. She is a 11 years old girl, really brave and curious, she is a

good speaker and smart girl.

The Other Mom: She is the antagonist of the story, we do not know who or what it is, just know that

her intention with Coraline is not a good one.

The Cat: The one that helps Coraline, even when he says he is with anyone, it guides her into the other

world and helps her with some games that the other mother gave to Coraline, he can speak in the other

world but in the normal one no.

The Other Dad: This is another Other Mother’s creation, it has its own conscience but he is not able to

control himself because the other mother controls him.

Mr Bobinsky: He is an acrobat that has a mouse circus, the mouse can say things and he can hear those

things, he is a really strange man, there is another version of him but is the same just that is under the

orders of the Other mom.

The mom: She is Coraline’s mom, she is a busy woman, does not pay too much attention to her daughter

, but she still loves her.

The dad: Coraline’s dad, a busy man, he tries to be dedicated to his work and family but ends up really

stressed in the end.

Miss Spink and Miss Forcible: Old women that  were acrobats in the past, they like superstitious things,

and have a lot of dogs and of course another part of them controlled for the other mother.

The sweet ghost girl: a lost soul that have been taken for the other mother want to help Coraline.

The tall ghost girl: a lost soul that have been taken for the other mother want to help Coraline.

The ghost boy: a lost soul that have been taken for the other mother want to help Coraline.


The day after moving house, Coraline explores the fourteen doors of her new home. Thirteen can be

opened normally, but the fourteenth is closed and boarded up. When she finally manages to open it,

Coraline finds herself in a secret passageway that leads to another house so similar to her own that

it's chilling.

However, there are certain differences that catch her attention: the food is richer, the toys are

as unknown as they are wonderful and, above all, there is another mother and another father who

want Coraline to stay with them, become their daughter and never go away. Soon Coraline realizes

that, behind the mirrors, there are other children who have fallen into the trap. They are like lost souls,

and now she is her only hope of salvation. But to rescue them she will also have to recover her real

parents, and thus fulfill the challenge that will allow her to return to her previous life.


  1. tread: usually implies stepping with force, but it can also simply mean placing your feet,

  2.   one after the other, on the ground.

  3. stunt: prevent from growing or developing properly.

  4. haughty: A haughty person acts superior and looks down on others.

  5.  Haughty people are disdainful, overbearing, prideful, swaggering, and obnoxious. 

  6. depression: feelings of severe despondency and dejection, a long and severe recession

  7.   in an economy or market.

  8. crude: in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.

  9. bound: walk or run with leaping strides.a leaping movement upward.

  10. pell-mell: in a wild or reckless manner. in mingled confusion or disorder.

  11. smug: marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction.

  12. liable: likely to be or do something. responsible by law; legally answerable.

  13. provoke: stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome

  14.  one) in someone.

  15. rake: collect, gather, or move with a rake or similar implement.

  16. gloat: dwell on with satisfaction.

  17. flail: thrash about.

  18. ululate: emit long loud cries

  19. tarry: having the characteristics of pitch or tar.

  20. insubstantial: lacking material form

  21. madden: drive up the wall; get on someone's nerves.

  22. infuriate: make them extremely angry.

  23. yield: be flexible under stress of physical force.

  24. momentum: an impelling force or strength.

  25. wraith: a ghostly figure, especially one seen shortly before death.

  26. frilly: having decorative ruffles or similar ornamentation.

  27. deftly: in an agile manner.

  28. romp: light-hearted recreation activity.

  29. circlet: decorated metal band is worn around the head.

  30. abundance: the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply.

  31. gouge: an impression in a surface, as made by a blow

  32. prod: poke or thrust abruptly

  33. dilapidated: in a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration.

  34. amble: walk leisurely
